Neptune representing an ~emotional attunement~ to higher levels, of yearning for and infatuation with higher places of being
Pluto representing the ~commitment to act~ upon our needs for transformation, to incorporate the higher levels of consciousness into our very being, knowing that all desires and attachments will have to be brought to the surface and purged and that our true motives will have to be faced. At this level of consciousness, one is no longer satisfied with mere knowledge or infatuation; one wants to bring all one’s mental and emotional powers to bear in the transformation process.
Now with the heightened sense of ~awareness~ there is more chance of ~group awareness~ being acted upon. Only by combining our awareness into ~group consciousness~ can the earth (and man) ever truly evolve.
In order for the energies of Uranus to express themselves in a conscious way in a person’s life, he must pass through Saturn’s ~Door~. This means that he has created an integrated personality, linked with the soul force, and is thus a spiritually responsible individual. More likely than not, such a person is linked to a sense of group purpose and is very service orientated.
There is quite a difference in the way Uranus functions in the personality chart and the way its energies externalise once Soul contact has been established.
Uranus on the personality level is always indicative of creating difference through the use of the will. A strong personality centered Uranian (that is, Uranus rising, The Sun or Moon in Aquarius, to conjunct opposing or square Uranus, or Uranus at the MC) will strive to be different just for difference’ sake. In this respect, dressing very unconventionally, seeking out avante garde or bohemian friends, and in extreme cases, engage in pointedly antisocial behaviour patterns.
These are not at all negative traits in themselves, for such people strike at the core of the established order (that is Saturn) and create a perspective whereby society must question its values. Yet when such values are not consciously linked to the soul and to group intent from the level of the Higher Self, personal whims and egocentric motives are often at the center of such activities and practices.
Uranus functioning though the soul level has quite a different purpose.As the ruler of Libra, the unfolding of Uranus in the consciousness of one of the Fixed Cross leads to the reversal of the wheel of destiny. Libra represents a pause, a moment of soul focussed reflection, a place wherein the values and energies of the personality and the soul meet and are balanced against each other. The individual can thus make the choice of his or her direction, and wither move onto a Libra represents a pause, a moment of soul focussed reflection, a place wherein the values and energies of the personality and the soul meet and are balanced against each other. The individual can thus make the choice of his or her direction, and wither move onto a greater sense of material expression in Virgo, or take the test of one who willingly battles to walk the Path in Scorpio.