Wednesday, December 12, 2012
completed the process of code transference and building the geometry from the *Dimension has interlinked with the planetary heart where the 2 dimensional world has been rewarded for its faith and openness to the myusteries also, The eastty is in a process of evolution.l Her energies have to be assisted and the only way to do that is to get cooperation from people in 3 d dhtn e earhtna cecepts she cannot do it alone as we all accept that now. We have translated the codes, the codes then pass into the fifth dimensional realm where you are currently inhabiting; having been raised up one dimension into this you are able to sustain and promote, feel and evolve inside the ocdes as they are emerging. Now into this dimension you cans ee that the Codes of the * d and the experience you have been told was the content, the inner content being cleared, which it has to be, the emotoion of that inner world cleared by the force odf the E 8 and the real translation of Michael back in May now opens the gate to continued evolution as we are all here in exact quincunxe moment simultaneously.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
I sucked his cock and then yelled at my wife because she was astounded I had....

Charmers often supplement their performances with juggling, sleight of hand, and other tricks. One occasional feat is "turning a rod into a serpent", a trick that has been known since Biblical times (see Exodus 7:12). This is reportedly accomplished by putting pressure on a particular nerve behind the snake's head, which causes it to stiffen up [3].
It is said that so expert in restoring life had Asclepius become that Hades, God of the Underworld, complained to his brother Zeus that fewer and fewer souls were being sent down to him in Hades.
The cock was sacred to Asclepius and the bird they sacrificed as his altar. "I owe a cock to Asclepius" were Socrates last words on the point of death. The cock's crow heralds daybreak, the awakening to a new day, or symbolically resurrection into a new life. Aesculapius became so skilled a physician that he was able to restore the dead to life. Perhaps this means the new life after death as the sacrifice of a cock by Socrates to Aesculapius seems to suggest. Or it might be that those healed by Asclepius experienced a special type of new life after death other than Hades which is where all the dead were supposed to go?
Socrates was executed with a dose of hemlock poison:
"When the poison reaches the heart, that will be the end. He was beginning to grow cold about the groin, when he uncovered his face, for he had covered himself up, and said (they were his last words)--`Krito, we owe a cock to Asklepios. Pay it and do not neglect it.'" [Plato, Phaedo 118a (trans. Lamb) (Greek philosopher C4th B.C.) :
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
gold, dust, amenhotep, hadrons, onamba, geishas and dawn porter read on
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A Billion or so Years of Evolution-Nature found the symmetry for LIFE - from DNA- to plants to people to galaxies - they are all GOLDEN RATIO based FRACTAL! This (perfected compression) creates perfected DISTRIBUTION OF CHARGE- 'the fractal field'. How could ANY biophysicist today imagine there could be any other electrical definition for LIFE ITSELF! And yet - look how the stupid humans build clothes, houses, cities today - the CHARGE FIELD is not fractal ... so people DIE!
This web site is based on one simple yet entirely revolutionary, testable and TEACHABLE concept- that FRACTAL or non-destructive (golden ratio optimized / implosive) CHARGE COMPRESSION is the essential symmetry and CAUSE of all: 1. mass creation, 2. gravity, 3. biology, 4. healing, 5. self organization from chaos, 6. symbol making, 7. consciousness, and 8. all BLISS / PEAK EXPERIENCE / ENLIGHTENMENT.
Update- Oct 07- much updated/ expanded version of this article:
"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."--Max Planck, German Theoretical Physicist
The FRACTAL FIELD - Revolutionary Research Frontier - with Radically Powerful Solutions to Virtually ALL Major Global Issues:
1. Peacemaking: How The FRACTAL FIELD Can Make Teaching PEACE Into a New and Powerful SCIENCE - more:
2. Agriculture: How the FRACTAL FIELD Can Revolutionize Farming by creating Phase Conjugate Environment which properly allow DNA to Communicate and Thrive electrically - more: , and
3. Architecture: How the FRACTAL FIELD Can ReInvent Architecture now that the Principle of Building a BIOLOGIC CAPACITOR Allows us to Create Structure to Truly Create Healing and Bliss in Biology - more:
4. Genetics: How the FRACTAL FIELD Can ReDefine Success in Genetic Research / and Engineering - based on ReDefining DNA COHERENCE, and DNA 'Radio', and DNA Ability to Absorb and Radiate the Electric Field of LIFE! - more: , and ,
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Johm told Me About the SSize of The Mantram he had. I cunnningly chose his Lingam in My month and Went Slowly to the kitchen for (read more) Ice cream

Phorbas, or Phorbaceus, who freed Rhodes from snakes, is identified with this constellation. Phorbas cleansed the island of the snakes and in gratitude the Rhodians venerated him as a hero. For his achievement he won a place among the stars as the constellation Serpentarius or Ophiuchus. Virgil tells how Somnus appeared to Palinurus "Winged Somnus flies down from the sky and sits on the stern of Aeneas' ship, where he assumes the guise of Phorbas". Assuming the guise of Somnus should make Phorbas the same as Somnus. Latin somnus is from the Indo-European root *swep- 'To sleep'. Derivatives: sopor, soporific, somni-, somnolent, insomnia, (these words from Latin somnus, sleep), hypno-, hypnosis, hypnogogic, hypnotize, (these words from Greek hupnos, sleep). [Pokorny 1. swep- 1048. Watkins]
A core part of the shaman's or witch-doctor's role is the use of altered state of consciousness and hypnotism. Snake charming is the practice of hypnotizing a snake by playing a musical instrument [1].
"Ophiuchus means 'he who holds the serpent' and that is how he is depicted. The struggle will last forever, since they wage it on equal terms with equal powers". [Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century AD, book 1, p.31]
The snake, Serpens, that Ophiuchus the snake-handler holds is found on the symbol of medicine worldwide, the caduceus. The staff of Aesculapius was a single snake wrapped around a staff (often confused with the staff of Mercury or Hermes which has two snakes and is said to represent commerce). See picture of the Rod of Asclepius.
The snake, Serpens, that Ophiuchus, the snake-handler holds, and has wrapped around his rod, may have something to do with the kundalini; the kundalini is said to represent the life-force; the balanced flow of this energy is critical to health and harmony. The kundalini energy or 'serpent power' resides at the base of the spine, and is represented symbolically as a snake coiled up upon itself, in three and a half circles like a true snake or serpent (Draco is a four-footed snake not depicted curled up in that manner, but Draco might also have something to do with this power). Kundalini is a Sanskrit word meaning either 'coiled up' or 'coiling like a snake'. The cultivation and management of this life-force has been the aim of the physician-priests, witch-doctors, and shamans, in many cultures who used drumming, trance, chanting, hallucinogenics etc. to facilitate intuitive diagnostics and the cure.
Friday, December 12, 2008
As Sun Moves Sin and Twice the Man that I was Become One With her the Truth Rose Up through the sjy and Landed on ME
Ophiuchus, 1.It defines the interaction between very fast moving electrical charges and light – or electromagnetic waves - and its exact value is close to 1/137.
Ophiuchus, or Serpentarius, the Serpent-holder, the Serpent Bearer, the Serpent Wrestler, or the Snake Charmer, is depicted holding a snake, the snake is represented by the constellation Serpens. Ophiuchus is identified with Aesculapius (Asklepios, Asclepius), an ancient physician, who grew so skilled in the craft of healing that he was able to restore the dead to life. However, because this was a crime against the natural order, Zeus destroyed him with a thunderbolt. According to one version (Pindar's) he offended Zeus by accepting a fee in exchange for raising the dead. Ophiuchus is identified with the Euphratean Sagimu (Sa-gi-mu), the God of Invocation.
Read what writers of myth have written on Asclepius on this Theoi Project webpage
Before medicine became a science the role of the physician and priest were combined in many cultures, and existed in what we know today as the witch doctor, shaman, or medicine man, and the earliest snake charmers were traditional healers. Their aim was holistic healing, the healing of both mind and body. They used herbs, potions, charms, incantations, exorcism, magic, divination, and prayers, in their means to establish the cure. Aesculapius, we are told, was the first doctor of medicine with the ability to restore people to life. The name and the profession were continued in the Asclepiadae, an order of priest-physicians in Greece. Those seeking aid in healing stayed for periods of time in what was called an Asclepieion (or Asklepieion), a sanctuary or shrine dedicated to Asclepius. They slept overnight in these places where the god was said to reveal the remedies for the disease in dreams, they reported their dreams to a priest the following day who prescribed a cure. The Asklepieion at Epidaurus is traditionally regarded as the birthplace of Asclepius. Other Asklepieions were located in Athens, Cos, Pergamum, and later Rome, where his worship spread after a plague in 293 B.C.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Bloger Daz Gets Going. I MEet Dan Winter on the Solstice

He said to me "The square roots and their reciprocals of certain number would appear to be related directly to the measurements and their fractal expression of specific ancient reckoning counts."
I was stunned.
Where did he git the Knowledge from?
"IBM," he answered, dourfully.
Dan Winter's a Friend of mine. Louise? She replied, "As we have seen above, some of the more commonly known day-counts relate directly to the measurements of the Great Pyramid."
The square roots and their corresponding reciprocals of the number 2, 5, and 10 appear to relate easily to the series of numbers within the ancient reckoning system. Further, other numbers, such as the square root and reciprocal of seven also occupy a prominent place within the ancient reckoning system as we have seen here and in other essays within the Earth/matiX series of essays.
Friday, November 14, 2008
December 1st @008. Obama set to Distinguis between MEchanics and Deterministic Happeings. Reveals Truth behind the Iraq War

At each tick of a computer clock the computer is in fact totally stationary as far as its calculating functions are concerned. It is, in fact, "dead". Only between ticks does it actually "work". And here the time taken is not known, and does not enter into the picture as long as its fast enough so it can be completed before the next tick occurs.
How does the computer therefore relate to the present?
Can we consider the computer to operate according to the image of time which we have learned from physicists? Its activities may be considered to span a period of from T1 to T2. The result of the calculation depends only on the sequence of logical operations or instructions carried out and is itself totally independent of how long it might have taken to complete them.
When a computer operates in real time it harmonizes the sampling rate of input and output so as to reproduce or produce output behavior corresponding to the physical changes which it attempts to model. Its calculations merely have to be fast emough to keep up with the sampling rate.
It is not concerned with human time consciousness nor that of any other species, nor with the human experience of the present.
But when a computer performs a time-form such as emotionally expressive music or speech, its real time operations need to reflect the real-real time experience of humans. In that domain a 1% difference in the time scale will already noticeably alter meaning. A 10% change is a considerable change for the meaning of music, for example. In speech a 10% change will not change the meaning of the words but will alter the effectiveness of the emotional "overtones" which the message carries. Accordingly therefore when communicating emotional qualities to humans the computer cannot choose its own convenient scaling but must match the output to human time consciousness, or real-real time. This requirement is unnecessary when a computer prints out verbal messages or presents visual information such as emotionally expressive faces, for example, as long as those faces are not in expressive motion.
Departure from real-real time results in the emotional qualities acquiring a Mickey Mouse character. They are still recognizable as representing particular emotional qualities, but lose most of their emotional impact. To understand this better we need to consider that the emotions as transmitted by these dynamic forms, which we have called sentic forms, also contain and imply cognitive substrates . Thus, we have shown experimentally that with the feeling of love, there is an openess and guilelessness as part of the inherent biological program [11]. Even a small lie effectively blocks the experience of love at that time. Similarly, grief affects memory function: the ability to learn, and short term memory are diminished by the feeling of grief, and the consequent loss of interest in interaction with the environment. The cognitive substrates are the first to disappear when the dynamic forms are distorted [24]. Thus the Mickey Mouse characteristics imply that the emotions denoted are robbed of their cognitive substrates. But it is precisely the cognitive substrates that provide the elements of profoundity which may be experienced through really true emotional expressions and of its sequences. Thus a piece of music may seem profound not merely because it contains a sequence of emotions but because the sequence of emotions implies a series of cognitive substrates which give it a widely and deeply probing story.
In the use of computers and robots to communicate emotions to humans, one therefore has a choice to communicate merely signs a la Mickey Mouse or to represent genuine, "sincere" human expressions and emotions. The particular applications will decide which approach may be more appropriate. If it is decided to use "sincere" expressions we have then the power in real-real time to make these expressions more powerful and more convincing than the average human would tend to produce under most average conditions. We have at our fingertips the knowhow to make these expressions powerfully communicative, contagious, and seductive in the manner of the very best that any human can do. (see footnote 4) We can optimize it beyond the abilities of the average human: we can optimize it to the degree of which our most powerful art is capable. Whether we chose to do so and for what reasons and needs, surely will comprise a new branch of social ethics which badly needs to be developed.
One positive way of using the new powers opened up by this Pandora's Box opened by the findings of our research is to provide great musical performances. How this can be done we will attempt to demonstrate with a performance of the Mozart Sonata K330, which will be brought into conjunction with the best available performances on CD by great artists for the first time. That this can be done now is only the first step in an endeavor that has many further possibilities, not easy to fathom.
Appendix A
Demonstrations of the Meaning and Precision of Time Forms
A Computer Interpretation of Mozart's Piano Sonata K330, which utilizes the composer-specific hierarchic pulse principle will be heard, along with 6 other performances of the greatest recordings available on CD of this Sonata. The music panel and the audience will be asked to rate the performances, and to pick which one is the computer performance. This test will compare the real-time performane of a computer in terms of musicality with the best real-real time human efforts.
Also played will be a computer interpretation of Bach's Air on the G string, for four independent voices, employing both Predictive Amplitude Shaping, and the Hierarchic Pulse.
The purpose is to demonstrate the degree of understanding of the principles of unconscious musical thought, of musicality.
In a second presentation, emotionally expressive sounds will be presented, which were transformed from touch expressions of the same emotion, by a transform that conserves the dynamic form - to illustrate that the nature of a particular emotion expression depends on the dynamic form, and not on the output mode, ie. is largely independent of the output mode. White urban touch expressions of specific emotions transformed to sound expressions were tested on Australian Aboriginees, for additional cross-cultural validation [13] .
Appendix B
A Short Note on the Development of Consciousness
In the context of this paper some remarks on the natural development of consciousness may be permitted. Experience of emotion is not possible without consciousness. Also, sensory experience, such as red for example, has continuity in time, and stability over long time (in addition to its unique quality), which are so far difficult to ground on the discontinuous events in time and in space of the multiple neuronal events accompanying the experience. Accordingly some thoughts on how consciousness may have arisen in nature may be assayed, in view of our developing knowledge of molecular biology. As a newly evolved phenomenon, it is of such importance that it seems not unlikely that its potentiality is provided for in the laws of nature, ie. that like water, say, it appeared in the evolution of the universe not as a total surprise. Contrary to a prevelant view according to which consciousness is deemed to become possible only when complexity increases to a sufficiently high degree, i.e. that consciousness is essentially complexity- related, the author puts forward a different view of what may be required for consciousness to arise. This approach is outlined briefly here, and will be described elsewhere more fully.
In exploring such a view, one should also consider the pervasive unconscious mental functioning, dreaming, and especially the unexplored questions of the boundaries between the unconscious and the autonomic, and whether unconscious mental function predates consciousness.
1. Content of Consciousness --- Humans are able to see, hear, smell and touch simultaneously without notable interference of one sensory experience with the other. This defines in size, and in also complexity, a minimum capacity of consciousness even without considering other mental functions.
2. Animals, even relatively primitive animals, appear to share this capacity of consciousness with humans in that they too can simultaneously see, hear, smell, touch and so on. Moreover, many primitive animals can sense some of these variables with higher resolution than can humans. Consequently, with regard to these functions one cannot take the view that animals have a smaller capacity of consciousness. The argument that such animals have no consciousness at all and act as reflex automatons is rejected (animals clearly appear to make decisions based on their sensory experience involving many of these variables, aneasthetics are used to eliminate consciousness in these animals, etc.).
3. One of the earliest qualities of experience developed in evolution is hunger. Experience of hunger - a remarkable "invention" of nature, replaced chemotaxis and served as a fount of knowledge for the animal concerning what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat - all of which is encapsulated in the experiential entity, "hunger". But hunger, as well as experience of sexual attraction which also developed at an early stage, can exist and function only if there is consciousness.
4. It is suggested therefore as plausible that consciousness itself may have developed through newly evolved genes at a relatively low stage of evolution. It would be supposed that these genes for consciousness produce certain proteins or other gene products which cause consciousness in the brain. According to this view, it is thus not complexity per se but these specific genes that would account for the emergence of consciouness in evolution. (If this is so, the capacity for being a little bit conscious would appear somewhat like a little bit pregnant.)
As progress is being made in the human genome project it is possible that such genes for consciousness could be identified in decades to follow. As we share so may of our genes with animals we may also share such consciousness creating genes with them.
5. In achieving consciousness through the interaction of proteins and other gene products in a totally unknown way it could be that a physical law would be invoked which is as yet unknown - a law which would in effect provide for the establishment of a Leibnitzian monad, as a result of specific molecular interaction. This kind of creation of one from many, similar to the creation of the oneness of the molecule from so many atoms (the potentiality of which preexists, predictable through the laws), and in some ways in effect reminescent of a field which at any one point automatically and necessarily summates the effects of many contributing sources in space, but obeying relationships as yet quite unknown would seem, according to this view, to be necessarily involved in the phenomenon of consciousness.
Accordingly, machines that do not possess the gene functions for consciousness would not become conscious no matter how complex they might become.
This does not preclude that those effective gene functions might be reproduced by an alternative molecular realisation, so that consciousness could then also be produced by a different configuration of matter than in natural evolution on this planet. But that would depend on the specific nature of the interaction and functions; it could also be that the solution realised by nature which we observe on earth is the only one possible.
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