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A Billion or so Years of Evolution-Nature found the symmetry for LIFE - from DNA- to plants to people to galaxies - they are all GOLDEN RATIO based FRACTAL! This (perfected compression) creates perfected DISTRIBUTION OF CHARGE- 'the fractal field'. How could ANY biophysicist today imagine there could be any other electrical definition for LIFE ITSELF! And yet - look how the stupid humans build clothes, houses, cities today - the CHARGE FIELD is not fractal ... so people DIE!
This web site is based on one simple yet entirely revolutionary, testable and TEACHABLE concept- that FRACTAL or non-destructive (golden ratio optimized / implosive) CHARGE COMPRESSION is the essential symmetry and CAUSE of all: 1. mass creation, 2. gravity, 3. biology, 4. healing, 5. self organization from chaos, 6. symbol making, 7. consciousness, and 8. all BLISS / PEAK EXPERIENCE / ENLIGHTENMENT.
Update- Oct 07- much updated/ expanded version of this article: goldenmean.info/completefractalcosmology
"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."--Max Planck, German Theoretical Physicist
The FRACTAL FIELD - Revolutionary Research Frontier - with Radically Powerful Solutions to Virtually ALL Major Global Issues:
1. Peacemaking: How The FRACTAL FIELD Can Make Teaching PEACE Into a New and Powerful SCIENCE - more: goldenmean.info/peaceuniversity
2. Agriculture: How the FRACTAL FIELD Can Revolutionize Farming by creating Phase Conjugate Environment which properly allow DNA to Communicate and Thrive electrically - more: goldenmean.info/germination , and goldenmean.info/phaseconjugation
3. Architecture: How the FRACTAL FIELD Can ReInvent Architecture now that the Principle of Building a BIOLOGIC CAPACITOR Allows us to Create Structure to Truly Create Healing and Bliss in Biology - more: goldenmean.info/architecture
4. Genetics: How the FRACTAL FIELD Can ReDefine Success in Genetic Research / and Engineering - based on ReDefining DNA COHERENCE, and DNA 'Radio', and DNA Ability to Absorb and Radiate the Electric Field of LIFE! - more: goldenmean.info/decode , and goldenmean.info/12strands , goldenmean.info/phaseconjugation
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