Friday, December 12, 2008

As Sun Moves Sin and Twice the Man that I was Become One With her the Truth Rose Up through the sjy and Landed on ME

 Ophiuchus, 1.It defines the interaction between very fast moving electrical charges and light – or electromagnetic waves - and its exact value is close to 1/137.

Ophiuchus, or Serpentarius, the Serpent-holder, the Serpent Bearer, the Serpent Wrestler, or the Snake Charmer, is depicted holding a snake, the snake is represented by the constellation Serpens. Ophiuchus is identified with Aesculapius (Asklepios, Asclepius), an ancient physician, who grew so skilled in the craft of healing that he was able to restore the dead to life. However, because this was a crime against the natural order, Zeus destroyed him with a thunderbolt. According to one version (Pindar's) he offended Zeus by accepting a fee in exchange for raising the dead. Ophiuchus is identified with the Euphratean Sagimu (Sa-gi-mu), the God of Invocation.

Read what writers of myth have written on Asclepius on this Theoi Project webpage

Before medicine became a science the role of the physician and priest were combined in many cultures, and existed in what we know today as the witch doctor, shaman, or medicine man, and the earliest snake charmers were traditional healers. Their aim was holistic healing, the healing of both mind and body. They used herbs, potions, charms, incantations, exorcism, magic, divination, and prayers, in their means to establish the cure. Aesculapius, we are told, was the first doctor of medicine with the ability to restore people to life. The name and the profession were continued in the Asclepiadae, an order of priest-physicians in Greece. Those seeking aid in healing stayed for periods of time in what was called an Asclepieion (or Asklepieion), a sanctuary or shrine dedicated to Asclepius. They slept overnight in these places where the god was said to reveal the remedies for the disease in dreams, they reported their dreams to a priest the following day who prescribed a cure. The Asklepieion at Epidaurus is traditionally regarded as the birthplace of Asclepius. Other Asklepieions were located in Athens, Cos, Pergamum, and later Rome, where his worship spread after a plague in 293 B.C.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Bloger Daz Gets Going. I MEet Dan Winter on the Solstice

He said to me "The square roots and their reciprocals of certain number would appear to be related directly to the measurements and their fractal expression of specific ancient reckoning counts."

I was stunned.

Where did he git the Knowledge from?

"IBM," he answered, dourfully.

Dan Winter's a Friend of mine. Louise? She replied, "As we have seen above, some of the more commonly known day-counts relate directly to the measurements of the Great Pyramid."

The square roots and their corresponding reciprocals of the number 2, 5, and 10 appear to relate easily to the series of numbers within the ancient reckoning system. Further, other numbers, such as the square root and reciprocal of seven also occupy a prominent place within the ancient reckoning system as we have seen here and in other essays within the Earth/matiX series of essays.

Friday, November 14, 2008

December 1st @008. Obama set to Distinguis between MEchanics and Deterministic Happeings. Reveals Truth behind the Iraq War

At each tick of a computer clock the computer is in fact totally stationary as far as its calculating functions are concerned. It is, in fact, "dead". Only between ticks does it actually "work". And here the time taken is not known, and does not enter into the picture as long as its fast enough so it can be completed before the next tick occurs.

How does the computer therefore relate to the present?

Can we consider the computer to operate according to the image of time which we have learned from physicists? Its activities may be considered to span a period of from T1 to T2. The result of the calculation depends only on the sequence of logical operations or instructions carried out and is itself totally independent of how long it might have taken to complete them.

When a computer operates in real time it harmonizes the sampling rate of input and output so as to reproduce or produce output behavior corresponding to the physical changes which it attempts to model. Its calculations merely have to be fast emough to keep up with the sampling rate.

It is not concerned with human time consciousness nor that of any other species, nor with the human experience of the present.

But when a computer performs a time-form such as emotionally expressive music or speech, its real time operations need to reflect the real-real time experience of humans. In that domain a 1% difference in the time scale will already noticeably alter meaning. A 10% change is a considerable change for the meaning of music, for example. In speech a 10% change will not change the meaning of the words but will alter the effectiveness of the emotional "overtones" which the message carries. Accordingly therefore when communicating emotional qualities to humans the computer cannot choose its own convenient scaling but must match the output to human time consciousness, or real-real time. This requirement is unnecessary when a computer prints out verbal messages or presents visual information such as emotionally expressive faces, for example, as long as those faces are not in expressive motion.

Departure from real-real time results in the emotional qualities acquiring a Mickey Mouse character. They are still recognizable as representing particular emotional qualities, but lose most of their emotional impact. To understand this better we need to consider that the emotions as transmitted by these dynamic forms, which we have called sentic forms, also contain and imply cognitive substrates . Thus, we have shown experimentally that with the feeling of love, there is an openess and guilelessness as part of the inherent biological program [11]. Even a small lie effectively blocks the experience of love at that time. Similarly, grief affects memory function: the ability to learn, and short term memory are diminished by the feeling of grief, and the consequent loss of interest in interaction with the environment. The cognitive substrates are the first to disappear when the dynamic forms are distorted [24]. Thus the Mickey Mouse characteristics imply that the emotions denoted are robbed of their cognitive substrates. But it is precisely the cognitive substrates that provide the elements of profoundity which may be experienced through really true emotional expressions and of its sequences. Thus a piece of music may seem profound not merely because it contains a sequence of emotions but because the sequence of emotions implies a series of cognitive substrates which give it a widely and deeply probing story.

In the use of computers and robots to communicate emotions to humans, one therefore has a choice to communicate merely signs a la Mickey Mouse or to represent genuine, "sincere" human expressions and emotions. The particular applications will decide which approach may be more appropriate. If it is decided to use "sincere" expressions we have then the power in real-real time to make these expressions more powerful and more convincing than the average human would tend to produce under most average conditions. We have at our fingertips the knowhow to make these expressions powerfully communicative, contagious, and seductive in the manner of the very best that any human can do. (see footnote 4) We can optimize it beyond the abilities of the average human: we can optimize it to the degree of which our most powerful art is capable. Whether we chose to do so and for what reasons and needs, surely will comprise a new branch of social ethics which badly needs to be developed.

One positive way of using the new powers opened up by this Pandora's Box opened by the findings of our research is to provide great musical performances. How this can be done we will attempt to demonstrate with a performance of the Mozart Sonata K330, which will be brought into conjunction with the best available performances on CD by great artists for the first time. That this can be done now is only the first step in an endeavor that has many further possibilities, not easy to fathom.

Appendix A

Demonstrations of the Meaning and Precision of Time Forms

A Computer Interpretation of Mozart's Piano Sonata K330, which utilizes the composer-specific hierarchic pulse principle will be heard, along with 6 other performances of the greatest recordings available on CD of this Sonata. The music panel and the audience will be asked to rate the performances, and to pick which one is the computer performance. This test will compare the real-time performane of a computer in terms of musicality with the best real-real time human efforts.

Also played will be a computer interpretation of Bach's Air on the G string, for four independent voices, employing both Predictive Amplitude Shaping, and the Hierarchic Pulse.

The purpose is to demonstrate the degree of understanding of the principles of unconscious musical thought, of musicality.

In a second presentation, emotionally expressive sounds will be presented, which were transformed from touch expressions of the same emotion, by a transform that conserves the dynamic form - to illustrate that the nature of a particular emotion expression depends on the dynamic form, and not on the output mode, ie. is largely independent of the output mode. White urban touch expressions of specific emotions transformed to sound expressions were tested on Australian Aboriginees, for additional cross-cultural validation [13] .
Appendix B

A Short Note on the Development of Consciousness

In the context of this paper some remarks on the natural development of consciousness may be permitted. Experience of emotion is not possible without consciousness. Also, sensory experience, such as red for example, has continuity in time, and stability over long time (in addition to its unique quality), which are so far difficult to ground on the discontinuous events in time and in space of the multiple neuronal events accompanying the experience. Accordingly some thoughts on how consciousness may have arisen in nature may be assayed, in view of our developing knowledge of molecular biology. As a newly evolved phenomenon, it is of such importance that it seems not unlikely that its potentiality is provided for in the laws of nature, ie. that like water, say, it appeared in the evolution of the universe not as a total surprise. Contrary to a prevelant view according to which consciousness is deemed to become possible only when complexity increases to a sufficiently high degree, i.e. that consciousness is essentially complexity- related, the author puts forward a different view of what may be required for consciousness to arise. This approach is outlined briefly here, and will be described elsewhere more fully.

In exploring such a view, one should also consider the pervasive unconscious mental functioning, dreaming, and especially the unexplored questions of the boundaries between the unconscious and the autonomic, and whether unconscious mental function predates consciousness.

  1. Content of Consciousness --- Humans are able to see, hear, smell and touch simultaneously without notable interference of one sensory experience with the other. This defines in size, and in also complexity, a minimum capacity of consciousness even without considering other mental functions.

  2. Animals, even relatively primitive animals, appear to share this capacity of consciousness with humans in that they too can simultaneously see, hear, smell, touch and so on. Moreover, many primitive animals can sense some of these variables with higher resolution than can humans. Consequently, with regard to these functions one cannot take the view that animals have a smaller capacity of consciousness. The argument that such animals have no consciousness at all and act as reflex automatons is rejected (animals clearly appear to make decisions based on their sensory experience involving many of these variables, aneasthetics are used to eliminate consciousness in these animals, etc.).

  3. One of the earliest qualities of experience developed in evolution is hunger. Experience of hunger - a remarkable "invention" of nature, replaced chemotaxis and served as a fount of knowledge for the animal concerning what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat - all of which is encapsulated in the experiential entity, "hunger". But hunger, as well as experience of sexual attraction which also developed at an early stage, can exist and function only if there is consciousness.

  4. It is suggested therefore as plausible that consciousness itself may have developed through newly evolved genes at a relatively low stage of evolution. It would be supposed that these genes for consciousness produce certain proteins or other gene products which cause consciousness in the brain. According to this view, it is thus not complexity per se but these specific genes that would account for the emergence of consciouness in evolution. (If this is so, the capacity for being a little bit conscious would appear somewhat like a little bit pregnant.)

  As progress is being made in the human genome project it is possible that such genes for consciousness could be identified in decades to follow. As we share so may of our genes with animals we may also share such consciousness creating genes with them.

  5. In achieving consciousness through the interaction of proteins and other gene products in a totally unknown way it could be that a physical law would be invoked which is as yet unknown - a law which would in effect provide for the establishment of a Leibnitzian monad, as a result of specific molecular interaction. This kind of creation of one from many, similar to the creation of the oneness of the molecule from so many atoms (the potentiality of which preexists, predictable through the laws), and in some ways in effect reminescent of a field which at any one point automatically and necessarily summates the effects of many contributing sources in space, but obeying relationships as yet quite unknown would seem, according to this view, to be necessarily involved in the phenomenon of consciousness.

  Accordingly, machines that do not possess the gene functions for consciousness would not become conscious no matter how complex they might become.

  This does not preclude that those effective gene functions might be reproduced by an alternative molecular realisation, so that consciousness could then also be produced by a different configuration of matter than in natural evolution on this planet. But that would depend on the specific nature of the interaction and functions; it could also be that the solution realised by nature which we observe on earth is the only one possible.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

whether, energy, and the holistic event 2012 girls draw closer now

 Both ~cause~ and ~effect~ are cyclical in expression. Cause {First Ray, will and Power} is constantly stimulating matter to be the proper response to its initiating impulse. The seventh Ray is very much involved with the process of this fusion. Uranus functions in this respect as a vehicle which breaks down those forms that are no longer consistent with the involuntary and evolutionary movements of the Life Force. Yet this is not the anarchistic, egotistical, destructive power of Uranus that expresses on the personality level. The urge to change social structures and the prevailing collective ordering of life comes from an attunement to Cause and are effected through group function. The First Ray has a very direct and intimate relationship with the Seventh, as can be seen from the fact that Aries and Capricorn appear on both these lines of manifestation. Aries is the primary sign of the ~Will-to-Be~, while Capricorn, and its relationship to Saturn and the Third Ray, is very much connected to the forms and structures for that ~Beingness~

3. Stimulates the aspiration to better the human condition. The awareness of the relationship of the Higher and the lower selves having been established through Libra’s influence, Uranus works to blend more completely the energies of humanity’s essential duality. This process of synthesised fusion has as its purpose the creation of improved social systems for humanity’s physical well-being, as well as the stimulation of the spiritual climate for inner growth and development. These two facets of human life work out through networking, an especially Uranian and Aquarian activity.

4. Fosters individual activity within the group context. When intuition, Soul-focused social aspiration (that is, a true perception of collective need) group consciousness and direct contact with Spiritual Will are fused and blended through Seventh Ray activity, one steps forward to do one’s individual part in the One Work. In effect, Uranus leaves the individual to the Occult Way and is known by the name of the ~Hierophant of the Mysteries of Initiation~. The Occult Way can be characterised as the Path of Divine Knowledge, of Ordered Magic, and is the practical application of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings to the daily life. It is thus the Way of the Mind (as opposed to the Path of the Mystic, which is the Way of Union through the feelings), and utilises knowledge as the vehicle which reveals Wisdom and Light.greater sense of material expression in Virgo, or take the test of one who willingly battles to walk the Path in Scorpio.

Uranus lies beyond the rings of Saturn and is thus a major step in evoking that state of transformation whereby the self conscious individual merges into a greater group orientation. This step towards greater inclusivity, and the subsequent refinement of individual self expression, is a vital ~rite of passage~ in one evolutionary progress.

Once the crossover has been made, the energy of Uranus begins to flood the consciousness and affect the conditions of one’s outer life. Some of the effects of this Uranian transmutation may be outlined as follows:

1. Heightens the intuition. One is now able to ~perceive the quality of energy~ which inhabits a form, whether this form is in physical, emotional or mental. Thus a ~Uranian-awakened~ individual can see the person who lives ~inside~ his body, can perceive the consciousness of an artist by looking at his paintings, may understand the need of the soul expressing itself through a personal emotion etc.

Monday, October 27, 2008


5. Psychology of BLISS / Ecstasy and PEAK EXPERIENCE: How the FRACTAL FIELD Allows Us Now to Define, Measure and most of all TEACH - Peak Experience , Bliss, Ecstasy - True Enlightenment - more:

6. Urban Design: How the FRACTAL FIELD Allows us to Re-Invent URBAN DESIGN Based on Fractal Charge Compression- to Attract People, Money, Charge and LIFE FORCE Back into Urban Design- more: ,

7. Weather / Climate / Rainmaking: How the FRACTAL FIELD Allows us to Attract Rain - and Regulate Precipitation - more: , and The Yantra Pics at

8. Energy: How the FRACTAL FIELD Can Allow Us to PROPERLY Use Charge Self-Similarity to COHERE and Couple the Gravity Field for Electric Charge - WITHOUT Destabilizing the Earth Grid - more : ,

How the (Phi) FRACTAL FIELD provides radical new solutions to GLOBAL WARMING: , and WHEN COLD FUSION gets COLD:

9. Another example of FRACTAL FIELD - self similar charge field -revolutionizing medicine..- note how Negative Ion Wind (a fractal field) radically sweeps infection and parasites from the body ( see: ref 1) -perfectly consistent with using fractality to measure ANY liquid's ability to support life ( ReDox Potential measure at ) and - measuring fractality in Air to find and measure life's electric signature ( see IGA at phaseconjugation link). + Fractal Field is Electrical Engineering Instructions for SUCCESSFUL DEATH! -

10.-FRACTALITY in the HEART-solution to EKG+ virtually ALL disease resistance: ,

11.-FRACTALITY in TIME (time=measurement of charge rotation) -charge systems emerge from chaos only this way-fractality (how to generate synchronicity): 

Sunday, October 26, 2008

astrocheck in with astro chick

Uranus lies beyond the rings of Saturn and is thus a major step in evoking that state of transformation whereby the self conscious individual merges into a greater group orientation. This step towards greater inclusivity, and the subsequent refinement of individual self expression, is a vital ~rite of passage~ in one evolutionary progress.

Once the crossover has been made, the energy of Uranus begins to flood the consciousness and affect the conditions of one’s outer life. Some of the effects of this Uranian transmutation may be outlined as follows:

1. Heightens the intuition. One is now able to ~perceive the quality of energy~ which inhabits a form, whether this form is in physical, emotional or mental. Thus a ~Uranian-awakened~ individual can see the person who lives ~inside~ his body, can perceive the consciousness of an artist by looking at his paintings, may understand the need of the soul expressing itself through a personal emotion etc.

2. Quickens the urge to change the established order. Uranus is the planet of the Seventh Ray - Ceremonial Order and Magic. When its energies are stimulated, it allows one to be in tune with the relationship between the external order of life and the unfolding ~Will-To-Create~. Both ~cause~ and ~effect~ are cyclical in expression. Cause {First Ray, will and Power} is constantly stimulating matter to be the proper response to its initiating impulse. The seventh Ray is very much involved with the process of this fusion. Uranus functions in this respect as a vehicle which breaks down those forms that are no longer consistent with the involuntary and evolutionary movements of the Life Force. Yet this is not the anarchistic, egotistical, destructive power of Uranus that expresses on the personality level. The urge to change social structures and the prevailing collective ordering of life comes from an attunement to Cause and are effected through group function. The First Ray has a very direct and intimate relationship with the Seventh, as can be seen from the fact that Aries and Capricorn appear on both these lines of manifestation. Aries is the primary sign of the ~Will-to-Be~, while Capricorn, and its relationship to Saturn and the Third Ray, is very much connected to the forms and structures for that ~Beingness~

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thanks to Swiss Ephemeris and the Recent Destabilization of the Time Event , This was Captured in Photoquality from the Net at O eight hundred hours 2

The centrifugal forces of the apocalypse strive to balance the centripetal ones around the 
pivot points that can be understood as the seven seals. As concern the last day, we know 
the exact PLACE and we also know the TIME with fair certainty. From the converging 
omens, we can figure out the unfolding of evolution towards its gravitational point. 
The good side of speeding up your evolution generated the REALITY RENDERING 
magick becomes available for everyone. The RTRRT are often integrated as bonus 
material* within our astrological editions in order to enable every astrologer into creating 
one’s own time instead of succumbing to bad transits. If in the past one could only sit and 
wait the bad transits to come, today one can stand up and face a future of one’s own 
The divine has spoken through prophets in announcing that the DAY is near. The super- 
comets, Eris and the great hole in the sky are important stepping stones in determining 

the meaning of the last stage in our evolution. This last knock on the door is now. If in the 
previous years we had omens, towards year 2011 we have certainties. As Uranus enters 
Cetus, nothing remains the same. The astrological Age of Cetus triumphs both for good 
and the bad precisely with Uranus aligning with the vernal point in Cetus. 

 Divorce was suggested by a “7th house Neptune” when Neptune occupied the 6th house of the horoscope. 
Much mischief was done along this line with many house systems as accomplices. Eris was precisely 
setting to the minute when the WTC was hit but the superstitious horoscope will hardly show this fact, 
much as it can not show moon in Orion for the WTC and Usama bin Liden. The best is that the authorities 
in the field can not help you much; ask Galileo, Kepler or Nostradamus… 
 There is quite a time span between the discoveries of the first cubewano and major dwarf planet Eris. 
 It is easy to prove that astrologers were not sure at all bout their own natal sun placement in the past 5000 
years. Precession was (and still is) unknown to charlatans who simply count(ed) on superstition for their 
mean business. It happens that all of the horoscopes on this planet, west or east, are miscalculated.
Our interest in the zodiac dates back towards the years of the great transneptunian 
discoveries, most prominently 1992 QB1, Varuna and Eris‡, but it was not the dwarf 
planets, centaurs or giant comets that inspired our zodiacal research, in fact, it was the 
moon. It was with moon in Sextans that our interest for the zodiac was stirred. One of our 
students was asked whether he could estimate the location of his natal moon§. Was it Leo 
or perhaps Cancer? It was neither Leo nor Cancer! The moon was in Sextans. 
As concern numbers it is easy to remember that the zodiac has 22 constellations while the 
present ascendant set has 16 rising constellations. The facts are against superstition as 
comfortably based on scientific evidence. The “12 sign = 12 ascendants” superstition is a 
matter of the past. 
Klaudio Zic 
Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide. 
Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law. 
This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from 
Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or 
Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, 
without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. 
* NASA JPL ephemeris for the sun. 
 2008-Nov-23 00:00 Lib 
 2008-Nov-24 00:00 Sco 
 2008-Nov-25 00:00 Sco 
 2008-Nov-26 00:00 Sco 
 2008-Nov-27 00:00 Sco 
 2008-Nov-28 00:00 Sco 
 2008-Nov-29 00:00 Sco 
 2008-Nov-30 00:00 Oph 
 2008-Dec-01 00:00 Oph 
 2008-Dec-02 00:00 Oph 
 2008-Dec-03 00:00 Oph 
 2008-Dec-04 00:00 Oph 
 2008-Dec-05 00:00 Oph 
 2008-Dec-06 00:00 Oph 
 2008-Dec-07 00:00 Oph 
 2008-Dec-08 00:00 Oph 
 2008-Dec-09 00:00 Oph 
 2008-Dec-10 00:00 Oph 
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2008, Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. 
No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial 
purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. 

Sunday, October 19, 2008

something stiffened, in his spine he felt the first tast of the ultra violet juices and he wondered if he would last until the clock struck twelve at

Ophiuchus had an Arabic title le Psylle, and the constellation is also said to be identified with the Psylli of Libya, Herodotus mentions the Psylli, a tribe of snake-charmers in North Africa. The word resembles the Latin word psylla, psyllius, Greek psullion, meaning a flea. Fleas are bloodsucking insects and doctors were called leeches. Latin word psylla is related to Latin pulex, the genus of fleas, genitive pulicis, 'flea', cognate with the color puce or peuce, perhaps because of the purplish color of the flea's engorged blood, and puceron, plant lice.

The name Asklepios is suggested to have been derived from (a)spalax, 'blind rat mole', a truly blind mole. According to Allen [Star Names] "the figure also was associated with Caecius, the Blinding One, slain by Hercules and celebrated by Dante in the Inferno":

  "Asklepiades: Also 'Asklepieian/Asklepeian drug', but 'Asklepepian temple'. Also Asklepiadai, the doctors, from Asklepios. He [derived his name] from keeping bodies tough (askele) and gentle (epia). Asklepios, the patron of medicine, could heal Pauson and Iros and any other hopeless case" [Suidas s.v. Asklepiades 2]

Medicine comes from the same root as Medusa, whose severed head Perseus carries, the star Algol represents her. The name of the sorceress and drug-brewer Medea also comes from this root. The blood that flowed on Medusa's left side was said to be fatal poison. The blood from her right side was beneficial. Asclepius used her blood to heal which might mean he used medicine to heal.

Caesius, a Christian astronomer, gave the title Aaron to Ophiuchus. Aaron, whose staff became a serpent:

  "Aaron threw down his staff in front of Pharaoh and his court, and it turned into a serpent". Exodus 7:12

Charmers often supplement their performances with juggling, sleight of hand, and other tricks. One occasional feat is "turning a rod into a serpent", a trick that has been known since Biblical times (see Exodus 7:12). This is reportedly accomplished by putting pressure on a particular nerve behind the snake's head, which causes it to stiffen up [3].

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pints with Paukl and Where’s Bren?

NMushrooms on the Hob, and the bacon’s cooking nicely. Has it really been two months?
Can I sift off here and enjoy the process? Michae> il seems to think it an excellent idea. What a day.

Attemnpt number one; “I borded the train at Heathrow for the last terminal before I was in the aireport lounge proper, pissing away twenty quid on just two drinks and a meal.
It was all I could do to stop myself walking out, so I tipped her and went off to the other bar with a grimace. I was trying to be on holiday but every fuckwit this side of the mIssIppi seemed to me to be out in force today. That idiot at the Bt Ticket office; and that dimwhitted cunt face saying, poe faced, he’d never heard of me.

Annoyance dialogues; and pulp fiction monologue, especially about the watch.

Brilliant dish. Mushroom soaked in bacon and pepper, garlic and butter, a pinch of salt.

What a load of questions!
Airport discos, and the arrival of de niro.
For me, Michelle, 7 what can I say?

Stretched and waiting; in between giving up and yet somehow continuing; if ever. Anyway, the prom was clear today. Azul all sorted; and who knows, maybe it will be sunny tomorrow. If I can just get round to eleven./ ten pm and watch these films; taking mind off. Thinking and feeling. Anything that helps my solar plexus of enmotion.


The Temple Mount/ home to walining wall; where dome of Rock is, and the Alazor MoskComPlx. &thc. Destroyed twice; captured 44 times. All Jerusalem now; Ireland last night. Prime of Miss Jean, night before, and now teen girls in jumpers strip for a teacher waiting for inspiration.

Run on wavespells in What castle of Turning? Of Spirit.
Ah it feels good to type. 

Cream crackered. 

18 54 galactic overhead felt real heady. I’ve been enjoying something so subtle; each action. The Book. How to read that spengler? What to do about the notepads, more Paper; the price of the butter my drinking the cost of living the need for fun the necessity of discouse with people, the nature of poewtryh the call of Kerouac the fun in the poetry what I once crossed over into, Alfred Douglasd, and those brilliant letters.

Mrs Wilberforee, of 184 Witwatrsterrand Avenue, awoke to the phone ringing. It was half past eleven, and at forty eight was more than hungover from the night before. Her husband….

Meakin’s getting on my tits; said his neice. Jen’s been to Stoke on Trent; hooray. A big cheer up for the Afrikaaners as they swipe through Englands Batting last six. The roudyness of life.

Fun at the Ropyual. What a development since those times. How fantastic that that is the case. How extraordinary that it has been like it has been. Is my own tiredness wbbing at enthusiasm. I am not not enthused.
I can see god things.

I’d like tog et to the chase here; but its so slippy and elusive I wonder if Michael can will IF I Can more to the point! Whathere I can hold the Line.

Do I pay rent? Shall I quit? Is that it for me? I have had enough pof something, that is for sure; the way it is striking me is more serious than I have ever felt before. I would dearly love to carry on with the Hastingas Vertex because that was really going somewhere. And Yet: Hoiw it Wnet! 

Friday, October 17, 2008

OHMAY the First Light of Dawn on Saturday between Six and Seven He MAy Come to Me

Vishnornukam veeryaani pravocham yaah paarthivaani raajaamsi yo 
Askabhayaaduttaram sadhastham vichaakramanas tredhorugayo vishnuh 
Raaratamasi vishnuh syooraasi vishnuh dhruvamsi vaishnavaamasi vishnave tva

Which valor and deed of the all-pervading Vishnu may I glorify? He has enveloped the earth and he heaven even up to the minutest dust of creation. Vishnu supports the abode of gods, preventing it from being shaken from its position. He takes three strides (which may mean the three strides which Vishnu took in his incarnation as Vamana or the three strides which the sun is supposed to take in the sky during the day, or he form Vishnu is supposed to take as Agni, vayu and Surya) as the most gloriously euoligised one. O thou, instrument of yajna, who are the front and rear of vishnu’s form as yajna, thou who art its mouth and its connection. Thou art the firm support. Thou art verily Vishnu. I prostrate myself before thee. 

Om shanti shanti shantih

Om. May there be peace, peace, peace 

 The ruling deity of astrology, he is also the lord of learning and the lord of obstacles-hence the name Vighnaraja. When pleased he removes the obstacles from your path on auspicious occasions and creates obstacles on inauspicious occasions, and vice versa when displeased.
Ganesha Moola mantra: Om Gam Ganapataye Namah.
Ganesha Vedic Mantra: Om Sreem Hreem Kleem Gloum Gam Ganapataye Varavarada Sarva Janam Me Vasamaanaya Swaa Haa
Ganesha Gayatri Mantra: Om Vakratundaya Vidmahe Vighnarajaya Dheemahi Tanno Danti Prachodayat.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


- Understanding Infinite Non-Destructive Compression - Perfect Collapse- What Einstein missed: Self Smilarity produces gravity because that (golden ratio for heterodyning) turns compression (voltage) in to acceleration
(gravity) by recursive constructive adding of phase velocites.

 Scale Invariance('Global Scaling') is key to gravity and making life
BECAUSE self-similarity (embedability) enables (non-destructive) COMPRESSION
(/ fusion / collapse )
What Dan Winter has done is develop the power spectra tools to optimize / teach this....-
The perfectly coherent FRACTAL HEART is self-similar... A HOLARCHY

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Windsweeping in from the West took them inside, and drinks were poured before the taberbnacle was again given to the collective. All hail jupe the tone free of All remonstrance, simply shining.; Beulah, Ulvelah and Xerxes all presiding in fornicating madness of Dsionysian cleansing under ritualistic holly the sun shone down. Further back from the green fields, patterns on lawns emerging, circular, tetractys, ovoid, oblongate quadicosidodecahedrons and the Ceres side of Astro jumping became clear, even on that hot night the shields went up against the solar ingress, star studded from 2 million years ago Green said that was what Stevens meant to say with his concupiscidiant guitar. I myself drove a yellow wheelbarrow down to the Old Ladies pram race and bedeviled by tankards pissed in by barkeeps too bored to think much of it. Ah swoon. The street swayed with the speed the notes came out the banks. The corners were eroded, but the cornices were perfect. Church of sandstone turned inward and became domicile, and the glittering vectors were making it all come right. I went with Don down to the Leon Castle, and there, high abover Borders and trans beyond concept and experiences there bathed in that florid light. Buddhas drove their wars down to the Laundromat and it all became clean, and well ordered. Saturn, pushing through at 11 degree of the Virgtin cloud made us look toward the 2010 conjunctions but at the back of the top of the flagpole there was the when it all was over, and here we were referrirng to 2020 or thereabout. Eight long forks were placed side by side at the dinner table that night as the Edinburgh festivellers broke rank and played Dixie Down on trombone for the Candian Marionettes who had always been Scottish brought back tap shoes and tradition to the islea. Cameras and actions, makeshift watches and new night panties disregarded for the imaginal. Cleveland broke though into the Royal enclosure, winning its race in Valencia two fathoms before the next, as Neptune again sailed us to the gold. We couldn’t stand it, but we couldn’t hate it either. We couldn’t analyse it but nor could we ignore it. A dog running through the park leaping into the arms of a puppy; and the dandelion tea served upon angelic conches that were laced with Hemming and Vitamin pills. Our hearts, enriched by this spectacle, stood there on the balcony, only feet from the Queen.


The electric field you call your conscious self, your "I" (Ahh-'eee' sound makes a vortex sonically connecting inclusive to exclusive harmonics) - is actually a double cone phase conjugating vortex. It sucks and implodes charge thru the speed of light into connectivity at coeur. The result is an information communion whose fractal coherence allows you to have a 'self correcting' phase conjugate mirror for charge - you call ME. This little superluminal multiply connected charge wormhole navigates its way thru charge space- as the YOU that lives or dies depending on whether you know you to FEED its (fractal) electric PHIRE! Unfortuneately this means that every time you follow Earth's insanely stupid biophysicists into cities which are unfractal metal electrosmog hell - you soon murder everything sustainable about your own DNA's 'soul'. The simple truth is - that if you want to continue having the privelege of inhabiting this phase conjugate tornado you call LIFE ITSELF- you are definitely going to have to learn about what electric fields KILL it. Arrange about 5 transformer power supplies (from all your toys) spitting out their poison around your body- take 5 minutes- and notice the absolute nausea and complete loss of attention (& loss of digestion). Next step: fire your idiot university biologists if they cannot explain WHY you felt like shit in the center of electrosmog. EVERY electric wave which cannot be EMMBEDDED or nest non-destructively (fractally) -based on the Sun's (hydrogen fractal) master wave- is inherently going to KILL everything that lives (especially germinating seeds, the bliss and souls of your kids). The fact that your university biology department has not taught you this - means they should be reported for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

and so it all began with the personal diary in a jornment and england was


The subject “negativity” has emerged in a new light; not, obviously, a very good light either. Since the Egyptian thing seems so weirdly odd, and as the recent insights into that via Emotional Intelligence, well, it just seems that I’m being pointed toward something. That the subject is Negativity is as pissy as I can ever recall. The positivity subject seems as obviously clear; having been led into some really great events, I am not in complaint mode. However, the ongoing battle with all of that seems to me to be winning my attention; It’s as if the subtleties are being pointed out. The woman who deprived her daughter of a boyfriend, controlled her way to death. Writing with the subtext out, seems to me to be the point. Also, lots of ideas about writing essays. Its now August. I am trying to stay positive with this shift, having come through the phone calls again with D I am amazed that I still stand for it. But as everybody seems to do it, its like an infectious disease. Really quite extraordinary. Hius reaction to my getting a wall unit was absoultutely incredible. He actually said, “Problem is you lose wall space.” I wouldn’t mind if he meant from a sub atomical physicists point of view, but I know he didn’t. And his reaction to getting the internet, that was extraordinarily negative. Did you hear what he said? All I hoped to find looks like it isn’t there anymore. Unbelievable. That said, there are other subtleties. I do feel a growing urgency to be here at the laptop, and to take it out somewhere as well. Having said that, I also feel that I may still be pushing something a bit far. I have been trying to recover from tiredness, but even that is not the actual explanation. I’ve love dthe shift with the room; it really feels like I’ve pulled something n back around; but I am worried. Tomorrow feels like its hand in the sense of today was another day I’ve just managed to squeak through. Not that the vacuum’s done. Am I a woman writing? Boredom? Bad attitude. It’s funny. This is funny. Its supposed to be fun. The way that the interim weeks between writing have emerged is really odd. The trip with Adi. Ella on the scene. The days at the Royual. The ley line energy and most recently the shift into Sirius and the Dog’s howling this morning oh and now the story about the wolves todfay all seem to link and point me to the verification of the higher level of language that I have been receiving. I suppose at some level I am still resisting that. At that level it happens, its so real; theres also a real willingness on my part to go with it. Some sort of hope that was blind feels like its transforming intno some sort of actual “this is how it is”. Can’t help but feel that I am being pulled through a gate and that I will be very grateful down the line for continuing to insist I listen, and if that philosophy congeals into an actually real, living breathing oprganic VIEW that I can honestly say I own, well then I’ll be even more grateful. It feels like it could cohere. It feels like I have crossed an ince of a step over into something there. I feel that it is possible that it may all very well be perfectly true. So much of it has cohered in the past against massive resistance on my part. Sao much of it too has been shown as quite extraordinary at many levels. I am really feeling quite truthfully believable; and I am feeling, “well, given what happened this time last year in the wake of the Sirius cycle, given what has happened since Stoke, given the subtlety of the direction that emerged in the wake of the Wesak festival…. How cool was that day the judge let all of the defendents off?.... to all of the other scenes I HAVE WITNESSED (BUT NOT WRITTEN ABOUT), makes me wonder if in this narrative it is time to just let it be and continue as it is as at the very least it may show me something later. See. WEIRDE. Now that I am doing this and it is about 17.23pm I suddenly feel that openness of being on the right trasck, and this is all involving the difference between handwriting, the evolution of form the here that has emerged and the fact that at some level this feels like handwriting used to feel. At that moment I recal the galactic center is very nearly overhead; another day has begun. A wealth of insights into wolves; some strange behaviour: I have taken down the Buddha flags. And I have uprooted those pepp[ar plants; and I am very nearly about to clear that Buddha from the landing and return him to James and I am and have been more and more that I have to bring what I know to be true to the table and keep recovering from these absolutely ridiculously negative conversations. I know I handled it better yesterday. The party went alright because I shut my mouth; but when I didn’t shut my mouth, when I could no longer stand being scrutinized, when I could hear not one more comment coming my way, Oh doesn’t he look like an English writer, turn of the century; doesn’t he look like… why do you have a beard, ah Hemmmingway…. Do you know why you have..” People who think they have a right to comment make me vomit. I really did feel sick to death of their butt holing up to life. That seems to be out of my system, the sun’s coming out and its five thirty and OH HOW I wish I could be shown how to use these half hour periods of time more productuively. How I could be shown; what if its not real and I’ve been hallucinating.

and then when I went to the fridge and found this MercAtuurnused Bend

This was good this was poetry this was where the poet, havunbg mne t the mad monk having disable THE Progessforia trieta up the Shangtse down the vile tube into the Nubian plateau of Plato sat on moon craters of PLute batman in the wombats earth from POerth and Shirts shrugged with ambiavlenmce as the taxi failing to arrive announces itsd sausages all round for t. Amout?1 Hi Hi aShe makes me laugh longer spnt noww, Al sunglasses having a laugh at Sania expense buys a telephone instead of bacon. Market day market day . Anyone for market D. Stolen cases and stolen cheeses mount up in the parking area with stolen glances. Perversity. The sdistruption of the aietais meglamoniea frolglianchurh heads Rupert roger each other in the yellow cabs back on forty eight street the jim jam bellontiyionfridge gryioumbles great! Hi up on the twin tower now flying eagle feather shit shining in the moonday still smells sweet from a pedigree dogs ass to the shiny new radio head I am you I am you you are me together we can make the world a going place swing slow swip sliding hay hi did you see garfunkle. Its 1968 now. The guru Krishna is singing in the park as the hot on the hochInchtamIngh trail slaver for a footstool of experience. Hi1 Berger said it best in the almight y book from the second comint o the Egyptian isrealis fonanza. I am writing typos at the airport. The full on rugby is on and I am swearing as I did not think the times of the flight out. Did Air India care when the flag went down on the refeees hand and we missed our winning try? I stand, bootsure and frolicking in the heat drenched red caveats of Indias Delhi. Swarming flies. Opportuinisitic Hotels. I see Bombayh in one instant. Either I get out of the car and go bee a guru a western one at that bring the dharma very much backward in reverse in these uncoiling times wouldn’t you sayt. I stretch to find a form and the geometry is all in place in space. I mount the bicycle and peddle furiously to the sea, with my turquoise ink and my hard donkey bells rounderesounf ree1 hi1 Bare me bare me bare. GThe grace of God the light of the jews the monotheits and the carvery I like down in Midtown, the flag fluttering frenzy at the Un my own life we want your contacts. I have my own contacts. I am contact.The philosophy of alchemy had been in my mind for over ten years before actual gold came to me. This is how it happened, and in time I shall recount what I did. During the mid 1890 philosophical reversals were being handed down into the substrata of society from the intellectuals in Germany who had seen that the ways f the Enlightenment had been erroneous. It was, to the intellectuals and then the princes, kings and politicians, sociologist who were then in the process of forming Weimar germany laaden with the wores of the intellectual decline of the Prussian avant garde now had to take risks because they knew and all in france also knew that it was a hundred year job at best. I strolled down historical narratices and found myself in the sixteenth century Wales, laden wwith my own future 
Wallabies of midnight rouse me to the pub, the royal Sunday in Heaven a new born two foot long infant pleads a case with a pigeon and the rainy smiles of November transform into ultimate dew drop laughter and eyes sing a delight from the stanhop arms to the Buthchers in the field glazing our eyes with their truth not mollycoddled we sit and stand rooftop drinkers shout opbscenities at seagulls and laughter ranges across the skies. I saw a dove did you know pigeons can fly up to one hundred miles an hour another pint Jim? Melancholy wiped away years of hard work disheveled again. Can you spare us a Rizla Mate? Adi comes in wearing the black night lace and garters her hair hanging down over her shoulders her pert bottom Al’s up and almost into Stephanie’s Lap. Funny jokes. Pulp fiction and the return of the iguana. Kid came in here had one on his shoulder frightened the life up out of me. Albion rising Albion swelling the heated sea meeting the swelling multiple orgasms of the counter attacks met with humour. I am a humourous pot. I am rhizxome as Jung said: The Rhizome remains. Occult Philosopher ex hippie from the Warf is peotecting and projecting millions for the Morocco Gig. He is slim faced, like a skeleton and he sits eager to see out the trip to the south coast. London return s from the weekednd standing platform eyed and red wined up the gazom for the shinabolozaa that it was. Ten pound rail price trip up to Old Stokey and a somnolent catachrysalis wakes from Beelzebub’s grasp, loosening tights and skirsts, the European empire gathers. Ger says do I wanna teach. I’m publishing. I, The I Am Arturtno Tinitis Bendidnig Timespace truto mandencion wine flowing aout the rooms garden wet heavyh rapid felixtra gemeinshacht yeho/1 Aie Bansia Oham kim bandalini. E, Che bella dolce. Ich bein to the deocd fock mate. Round? Have it on ym tab. Girlfriend woes as poet on plane gesticulates to hostess. Egypt? Yr going to Egypt. The wholoe of Alexandria swooning, from Slovak to triets, from Pola Jew in Mid Israeli Kibbuts on dosnslope skiing the land rishning high Highh hello hi the bee bnod bad jazz jack curtaialied hai hai hai Ku ku ku blam the scene at the beach whoosh 4 am hello lets go hello hi hi hi hi this ones for you big boy she standing wave, aai wave great Hi hi guitar man play the guitar Hi hi a gd f buy I HIGHT Ashes and loads of lorries building renovating improbving they need you need me I wanst you hey Veggie Burger! Hey Gulag. Hey. Sunnier times now we’ve been to the festival pouring out our haearts great. Hi here this whiz. Hi hi. You know how he plays that jeff? Beck crues I I I Oh! This one for you Johnny oh, daddy oh don’t be such a square. Shit for brains in the gutter pounds his hands on the endge of the pram as the pub landlord decides ever so meekly to put sun lungers out on the deck. Hi! The trains coming in. daz I * Daz. ! his is is this U are his this, the man with the ong trousers sctiish tartan and the midnight oqwl racing to cathch in on the medlay and the broom Forsooth I saw a purty cat. 

That you have had to undergo the evolution here in its varied forms is a matter of long explanation for this emergent shift, as to why a and then b, why the handworriting and then why this, all revelations come from Source, it is best to say Source. We at Sirius B forge ahead. Now with this as this transfer into Form takes place of course there are nerves, of course there are questions

Breaking here for a time check into the actual time I have in the journal for the Galactic center crossing and just wondering now what this could be… how might this laptop be a key? If I can just get the house spouse stress rest thing sorted and secure I might be able to follow this one through.

Pause . I recall this morning’s idea to do this out in town. How I have a few times thought of doing this in a restaurant.

How I’ve not sdone that yet.

How it might be a clue. How I might feel trying this in the morning…. Why it might make all the sense in the world to shift to….. type…… Incredible! 17.23 was TO THE MINUTE the exact time of the crossing. The shift was palpable.

MAYBE THIS IS THE CLUE IN ITSELF I”VE BEEN LOOKING FOR? Perhaps this was the original clue back in April? Perhaps the truth was there with Colin as well while we were making poems. Perhaps that’s why I’ve not been writing stuff down. Praps that;s why. Praps its absolutely essential me to get out there and start typing. IN FACT I AM ABSolutely amazed I’ve not been out only in Fordingbridge with this. It’s make all the difference I’m sure

Something to think about. Still stunned. 17.23. how incredible. And wonderful. And yet. What am I supposed to be doing in it? What is the purpoise of it? Does it magnify anything six times? Is the fact of my own shackles simple proof positive that it is six times. Having darn well said it, there is in all of this something new. Very subtle.

I’m a different person, I’m thinking different things and I am feeling different things too. I know the old neg Shit is stuill there in society. That I do know. I know that this is one of the newest feeling waves that feels New and fresh and actually is not taxing me either. Might that be a left brain writing right hand phenomena.

I’d say so.

Next question: What are the Sirians up to? What do they “want”. And while that sounds silly enough (I already have asken and been given that ansewer to my satisfaction) in fact to my satidfaction I’m quite happy with the way that all my questions have been answered, and that does include E8 and the () effect. Which feels right when I write it and I can see the red shift from the effect on the day I had Saturday. Shekewosha those legs were beautiful. And sheeskewoisha, that James is a lucky fellow. What of dan? A call to him and hope he is fine with it all? More writing? MMore calls. Havn’t called sarah, still feel like I gotta keep it all together to keep tomorrow going smoothly and after all o this, still the most pertinent question I seem to be working on feels like its shifted its parameters a bit….

December 1st @008. Obama set to Distinguis between MEchanics and Deterministic Happeings. Reveals Truth behind the Iraq War

At each tick of a computer clock the computer is in fact totally stationary as far as its calculating functions are concerned. It is, in fact, "dead". Only between ticks does it actually "work". And here the time taken is not known, and does not enter into the picture as long as its fast enough so it can be completed before the next tick occurs.

How does the computer therefore relate to the present?

Can we consider the computer to operate according to the image of time which we have learned from physicists? Its activities may be considered to span a period of from T1 to T2. The result of the calculation depends only on the sequence of logical operations or instructions carried out and is itself totally independent of how long it might have taken to complete them.

When a computer operates in real time it harmonizes the sampling rate of input and output so as to reproduce or produce output behavior corresponding to the physical changes which it attempts to model. Its calculations merely have to be fast emough to keep up with the sampling rate.

It is not concerned with human time consciousness nor that of any other species, nor with the human experience of the present.

But when a computer performs a time-form such as emotionally expressive music or speech, its real time operations need to reflect the real-real time experience of humans. In that domain a 1% difference in the time scale will already noticeably alter meaning. A 10% change is a considerable change for the meaning of music, for example. In speech a 10% change will not change the meaning of the words but will alter the effectiveness of the emotional "overtones" which the message carries. Accordingly therefore when communicating emotional qualities to humans the computer cannot choose its own convenient scaling but must match the output to human time consciousness, or real-real time. This requirement is unnecessary when a computer prints out verbal messages or presents visual information such as emotionally expressive faces, for example, as long as those faces are not in expressive motion.

Departure from real-real time results in the emotional qualities acquiring a Mickey Mouse character. They are still recognizable as representing particular emotional qualities, but lose most of their emotional impact. To understand this better we need to consider that the emotions as transmitted by these dynamic forms, which we have called sentic forms, also contain and imply cognitive substrates . Thus, we have shown experimentally that with the feeling of love, there is an openess and guilelessness as part of the inherent biological program [11]. Even a small lie effectively blocks the experience of love at that time. Similarly, grief affects memory function: the ability to learn, and short term memory are diminished by the feeling of grief, and the consequent loss of interest in interaction with the environment. The cognitive substrates are the first to disappear when the dynamic forms are distorted [24]. Thus the Mickey Mouse characteristics imply that the emotions denoted are robbed of their cognitive substrates. But it is precisely the cognitive substrates that provide the elements of profoundity which may be experienced through really true emotional expressions and of its sequences. Thus a piece of music may seem profound not merely because it contains a sequence of emotions but because the sequence of emotions implies a series of cognitive substrates which give it a widely and deeply probing story.

In the use of computers and robots to communicate emotions to humans, one therefore has a choice to communicate merely signs a la Mickey Mouse or to represent genuine, "sincere" human expressions and emotions. The particular applications will decide which approach may be more appropriate. If it is decided to use "sincere" expressions we have then the power in real-real time to make these expressions more powerful and more convincing than the average human would tend to produce under most average conditions. We have at our fingertips the knowhow to make these expressions powerfully communicative, contagious, and seductive in the manner of the very best that any human can do. (see footnote 4) We can optimize it beyond the abilities of the average human: we can optimize it to the degree of which our most powerful art is capable. Whether we chose to do so and for what reasons and needs, surely will comprise a new branch of social ethics which badly needs to be developed.

One positive way of using the new powers opened up by this Pandora's Box opened by the findings of our research is to provide great musical performances. How this can be done we will attempt to demonstrate with a performance of the Mozart Sonata K330, which will be brought into conjunction with the best available performances on CD by great artists for the first time. That this can be done now is only the first step in an endeavor that has many further possibilities, not easy to fathom.

Appendix A

Demonstrations of the Meaning and Precision of Time Forms

A Computer Interpretation of Mozart's Piano Sonata K330, which utilizes the composer-specific hierarchic pulse principle will be heard, along with 6 other performances of the greatest recordings available on CD of this Sonata. The music panel and the audience will be asked to rate the performances, and to pick which one is the computer performance. This test will compare the real-time performane of a computer in terms of musicality with the best real-real time human efforts.

Also played will be a computer interpretation of Bach's Air on the G string, for four independent voices, employing both Predictive Amplitude Shaping, and the Hierarchic Pulse.

The purpose is to demonstrate the degree of understanding of the principles of unconscious musical thought, of musicality.

In a second presentation, emotionally expressive sounds will be presented, which were transformed from touch expressions of the same emotion, by a transform that conserves the dynamic form - to illustrate that the nature of a particular emotion expression depends on the dynamic form, and not on the output mode, ie. is largely independent of the output mode. White urban touch expressions of specific emotions transformed to sound expressions were tested on Australian Aboriginees, for additional cross-cultural validation [13] .
Appendix B

A Short Note on the Development of Consciousness

In the context of this paper some remarks on the natural development of consciousness may be permitted. Experience of emotion is not possible without consciousness. Also, sensory experience, such as red for example, has continuity in time, and stability over long time (in addition to its unique quality), which are so far difficult to ground on the discontinuous events in time and in space of the multiple neuronal events accompanying the experience. Accordingly some thoughts on how consciousness may have arisen in nature may be assayed, in view of our developing knowledge of molecular biology. As a newly evolved phenomenon, it is of such importance that it seems not unlikely that its potentiality is provided for in the laws of nature, ie. that like water, say, it appeared in the evolution of the universe not as a total surprise. Contrary to a prevelant view according to which consciousness is deemed to become possible only when complexity increases to a sufficiently high degree, i.e. that consciousness is essentially complexity- related, the author puts forward a different view of what may be required for consciousness to arise. This approach is outlined briefly here, and will be described elsewhere more fully.

In exploring such a view, one should also consider the pervasive unconscious mental functioning, dreaming, and especially the unexplored questions of the boundaries between the unconscious and the autonomic, and whether unconscious mental function predates consciousness.

  1. Content of Consciousness --- Humans are able to see, hear, smell and touch simultaneously without notable interference of one sensory experience with the other. This defines in size, and in also complexity, a minimum capacity of consciousness even without considering other mental functions.

  2. Animals, even relatively primitive animals, appear to share this capacity of consciousness with humans in that they too can simultaneously see, hear, smell, touch and so on. Moreover, many primitive animals can sense some of these variables with higher resolution than can humans. Consequently, with regard to these functions one cannot take the view that animals have a smaller capacity of consciousness. The argument that such animals have no consciousness at all and act as reflex automatons is rejected (animals clearly appear to make decisions based on their sensory experience involving many of these variables, aneasthetics are used to eliminate consciousness in these animals, etc.).

  3. One of the earliest qualities of experience developed in evolution is hunger. Experience of hunger - a remarkable "invention" of nature, replaced chemotaxis and served as a fount of knowledge for the animal concerning what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat - all of which is encapsulated in the experiential entity, "hunger". But hunger, as well as experience of sexual attraction which also developed at an early stage, can exist and function only if there is consciousness.

  4. It is suggested therefore as plausible that consciousness itself may have developed through newly evolved genes at a relatively low stage of evolution. It would be supposed that these genes for consciousness produce certain proteins or other gene products which cause consciousness in the brain. According to this view, it is thus not complexity per se but these specific genes that would account for the emergence of consciouness in evolution. (If this is so, the capacity for being a little bit conscious would appear somewhat like a little bit pregnant.)

  As progress is being made in the human genome project it is possible that such genes for consciousness could be identified in decades to follow. As we share so may of our genes with animals we may also share such consciousness creating genes with them.

  5. In achieving consciousness through the interaction of proteins and other gene products in a totally unknown way it could be that a physical law would be invoked which is as yet unknown - a law which would in effect provide for the establishment of a Leibnitzian monad, as a result of specific molecular interaction. This kind of creation of one from many, similar to the creation of the oneness of the molecule from so many atoms (the potentiality of which preexists, predictable through the laws), and in some ways in effect reminescent of a field which at any one point automatically and necessarily summates the effects of many contributing sources in space, but obeying relationships as yet quite unknown would seem, according to this view, to be necessarily involved in the phenomenon of consciousness.

  Accordingly, machines that do not possess the gene functions for consciousness would not become conscious no matter how complex they might become.

  This does not preclude that those effective gene functions might be reproduced by an alternative molecular realisation, so that consciousness could then also be produced by a different configuration of matter than in natural evolution on this planet. But that would depend on the specific nature of the interaction and functions; it could also be that the solution realised by nature which we observe on earth is the only one possible.

Monday, July 14, 2008

JULY 2008

LD > flying Garuda, prophecy trelelfton *9 made it through, I , hunfer. Make it so.

It’s the 20th. Phew and blammoed by the rejection at the Royal Lees hut his head the bands playing vertiggio on the doormat, several edges conundrum builders heads with vertex swartes made by Heaven. Nightly queen bess at the bar on Saturday. The white shirt pulled up round her heavy midriff. Love they tell me doesn’t observe; or is afraid of accepting what it observes. 

Phones ringing off the hool, these rapa and their friggin girlfriends opinions poluutating the environments. Outside we strum our guitars, happily oblivious. Down at the Oak, theres new buds ready for autumn, and Missy’s nearly pregnant and Her Friend is too. When the old man showed her how to out it out the only thought in her mind was that she had finally figured out how someone became pregnant. Cor blimey. So that’s how it happens. After that she systematically pretended, I don’t know. And hoped she was never asked. Of course and now that’s over, the springs hope and the buildup latent shrubs in Kensington, now flowers and concerts have passed. An eternity rose up from Jupiter. A cloud of clrty smacker, made the Elspeth min me qwak, Lemmings rubbed noses with forthright ganymedes cruised the Nile, everyone was a subjective conjunct and the labella made noise when she ripened. Onward entelechy, romanced Keats. Onward enantiamorphia. Musaaes revered in Maya quoted vertiginous verse from the high altiude of working class life. In whent Y’isis. Out came Circe. In went Minerva. Out whalloped and outclapped by Eurydice, the churchbells slayed. I am a tourist, he shouted. Quizzicked by meandering watchers, smokey joe nobbleiffers and butters in the plenitude, last year made by Silence, wished they hadn’t seen the eloquence. Strut wenched and ambivalent engineers hoped they would have it in them to barf. Long time phone callers, switchcard operators and Mendacious Stamp Collectors were all bedeviled when it came to buying the bacon, swotting flies off the crackhole with the Daniel chapter from the frech national bibliotecha. Worlwind. Vortex. Tornado. Pomegranat, the sincerity was remarkable. Humbled by the sheer exactitude and explanatory potentioal of the aforesaid Immobilius Mundi, I wrote a scrapheap into magenta on the Fosters Bar cap. Tense moments ensues as Deaf by lightening ordered his vesitgular and round bottomed Annexe from Poloratugatoral in West pughkeepsie Buzzed the door for the late night lock in. Vanquished by the bill paying extrav, invertebrate dollars, fortnightly winter suits and endless sallied forth couches unizsed and sexed by Couch, ran the headline later that day to avuncular renegades from Besswax Heaven, where the angelic wrote scripts about the magnificence of the worms endeavours, others just trod on unblended by the extrav beeanth yore, after habitude and Consueal the Rorty gang bustered with the sennet, and seats were sold with the couches for an eloquent gesture of arse made round the nighthalls for a wagon of jelly they, stooping in the litlamp promenade, bathing in the forty something smackspectaculr Hastings Girlsin the denim blue dress ran up to the Owner of the Yelton, calling him a Fat Wanker. Pisshead across the street, bneing boirthed yeronner from Rumdigger postcode fx45 2c, wrote back to me saying he hadn’t called her a bitch, but a bloody tourist, roaming round Men’s Hells for a good scene. That made him swallow.


His rays, spreading all around, side ways as well as above and below, warm up the whole body from head to foot. In the center of that (flame) abides the tongue of fire as the topmost of all subtle things. (note: due to the attachments and entanglements of the jiva in worldly enjoyment and suffering, the consciousness is enshrouded in potential as well as expressed objectivity, and hence it appears like a tiny streak of flame within the dark clouds of ignorance. But when the jiva rises above worldliness the consciousness is realized as he infinite.)

Neelaatoyaada madhyaasthad vidyullekhavaa bhaswaraa 
Neevaaraasooka vattanvee peeta bhaswatyanoopama

Brilliant like a streak of lightning set in the midst of the blue rain-bearing clouds, slender like the awn of a paddy grain, yellow (like gold) in colour, in subtlety comparable to the minute atom, (this tongue of fire) grows splendid. 

Tasyaa sikhayaa madhye paramaatmaa vyavasthithaah 
Saa brahmaa saa sivaah saa hariih sendraah soksharaah paramah swarat

In the middle of that flame, the supreme self dwells. This (self) is Brahma (the creator), Siva (the destroyer), Hari (the protector), Indra (the ruler), the imperishable, the absolute, the autonomous being. Prostrations again and again to the omni-formed being, the truth, the law, the supreme absolute, the Purusha of blue-decked yellow hue, the centralised-force, power, the all-seeing one. 

Ritam satyam param brahmaa purusham krishnaa pingalam 
Oordhwaaretam viroopaaksham viswaroopaayaa vai namo namah 

Prostrations again and again to the omni-formed being, the truth, the law, the supreme absolute, the Purusha of blue-decked yellow hue, the centralised-force, power, the all-seeing one. 

Naaraayanayaa vidhmahe Vasudevaayaa dheemahi Tanno vishnuh prachodayaat

We commune ourselves with Narayana, and meditate on vasudeva, may that vishnu direct us (to the great goal). 

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Vishnu Gave This Feral Man a Reason To Do WQhat He Did. When Obam bam bam bam Oh Bam bam Oh bam bam

Vishnornukam veeryaani pravocham yaah paarthivaani raajaamsi yo 
Askabhayaaduttaram sadhastham vichaakramanas tredhorugayo vishnuh 
Raaratamasi vishnuh syooraasi vishnuh dhruvamsi vaishnavaamasi vishnave tva

Which valor and deed of the all-pervading Vishnu may I glorify? He has enveloped the earth and he heaven even up to the minutest dust of creation. Vishnu supports the abode of gods, preventing it from being shaken from its position. He takes three strides (which may mean the three strides which Vishnu took in his incarnation as Vamana or the three strides which the sun is supposed to take in the sky during the day, or he form Vishnu is supposed to take as Agni, vayu and Surya) as the most gloriously euoligised one. O thou, instrument of yajna, who are the front and rear of vishnu’s form as yajna, thou who art its mouth and its connection. Thou art the firm support. Thou art verily Vishnu. I prostrate myself before thee. 

Saturday, April 12, 2008

My Ophiciusness Was Spent Down the Pub. Christmas 2008. I was ugover and

  "Certain people have said that he holds the snake for the following reason. [N.B. The following myth is usually told of the seer Polyidos rather than Asklepios.] When he was commanded to restore Glaucus, and was confined in a secret prison, while meditating what he should do, staff in hand, a snake is said to have crept on to his staff. Distracted in mind, Aesculapius killed it, striking it again and again with his staff as it tried to flee. Later, it is said, another snake came there, bringing an herb in its mouth, and placed it on its head. When it had done this, both fled from the place. Whereupon Aesculapius, using the same herb, brought Glaucus, too, back to life.
  And so the snake is put in the guardianship of Aesculapius and among the stars as well. Following his example, his descendants passed the knowledge on to others, so that doctors make use of snakes." [Pseudo-Hyginus, Astronomica 2. 14 from Theoi website]

The astrological influences of the constellation given by Manilius:

Ophiuchus [the '13th sign'] - Dates: 30th November to 17th December

Definition: [Sun Signs - Solar Zodiac] Ophiuchus, the sign of the Serpent Bearer, is the 10th sign of the Real Solar Zodiac.

However, although it lies on the Ecliptic it is not one of the signs of either the Tropical Zodiac of standard Western Astrology, or the Sidereal Zodiac of standard Vedic astrology.

This problem is one of the most contentious issues in modern astrology. I know the subject of Ophiuchus causes us lots of grief as astrologers. But it's up there in the heavens. It exists. We can't ignore it.

The Thirteenth Sign? Ophiuchus is often mistakenly called the 'thirteenth sign of the zodiac' because the sign is thought of as an additional sign to the the twelve Tropical or Sidereal signs.

In fact, Ophiuchus is a Sun-sign in the Real Solar Zodiac, i.e. the Sun can be seen against the stars of Ophiuchus between 30th November and 17th December each year. [The dates of the cusps move a little from one year to the next, so sometimes they are quoted as 1st December to 18th December.] Aquarius, the Water Carrier, is the actual 13th, and last, sign of the Real Solar Zodiac.

Northern celestial hemisphere constellation map showing the sun sign of Ophiuchus between Scorpius and Sagittarius

The Centaur object, the minor planetoid Chiron, was visible against the stars of Ophiuchus until November 2001, after which it passed over the border into Sagittarius. Venus and Mercury can be found in Ophiuchus for a time each year. Shown right is an example of a star chart for Pluto in Ophiuchus in June 1999.

So why isn't Ophiucus in the Commonly-Used Western Zodiac? Ophiuchus is an Ancient Greek constellation. The Serpent Bearer is one of the original Ptolemy constellations, appearing in Al Magest Star Catalogue [c 130 - 170 AD]. He also appears on the Farnese Globe, a Roman copy of a circa 2nd century BC depiction of Atlas holding the Celestial Sphere above his head. So why isn't Ophiuchus a member of the standard astrological zodiac - the Tropical Zodiac?