Uranus lies beyond the rings of Saturn and is thus a major step in evoking that state of transformation whereby the self conscious individual merges into a greater group orientation. This step towards greater inclusivity, and the subsequent refinement of individual self expression, is a vital ~rite of passage~ in one evolutionary progress.
Once the crossover has been made, the energy of Uranus begins to flood the consciousness and affect the conditions of one’s outer life. Some of the effects of this Uranian transmutation may be outlined as follows:
1. Heightens the intuition. One is now able to ~perceive the quality of energy~ which inhabits a form, whether this form is in physical, emotional or mental. Thus a ~Uranian-awakened~ individual can see the person who lives ~inside~ his body, can perceive the consciousness of an artist by looking at his paintings, may understand the need of the soul expressing itself through a personal emotion etc.
2. Quickens the urge to change the established order. Uranus is the planet of the Seventh Ray - Ceremonial Order and Magic. When its energies are stimulated, it allows one to be in tune with the relationship between the external order of life and the unfolding ~Will-To-Create~. Both ~cause~ and ~effect~ are cyclical in expression. Cause {First Ray, will and Power} is constantly stimulating matter to be the proper response to its initiating impulse. The seventh Ray is very much involved with the process of this fusion. Uranus functions in this respect as a vehicle which breaks down those forms that are no longer consistent with the involuntary and evolutionary movements of the Life Force. Yet this is not the anarchistic, egotistical, destructive power of Uranus that expresses on the personality level. The urge to change social structures and the prevailing collective ordering of life comes from an attunement to Cause and are effected through group function. The First Ray has a very direct and intimate relationship with the Seventh, as can be seen from the fact that Aries and Capricorn appear on both these lines of manifestation. Aries is the primary sign of the ~Will-to-Be~, while Capricorn, and its relationship to Saturn and the Third Ray, is very much connected to the forms and structures for that ~Beingness~
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