That you have had to undergo the evolution here in its varied forms is a matter of long explanation for this emergent shift, as to why a and then b, why the handworriting and then why this, all revelations come from Source, it is best to say Source. We at Sirius B forge ahead. Now with this as this transfer into Form takes place of course there are nerves, of course there are questions
Breaking here for a time check into the actual time I have in the journal for the Galactic center crossing and just wondering now what this could be… how might this laptop be a key? If I can just get the house spouse stress rest thing sorted and secure I might be able to follow this one through.
Pause . I recall this morning’s idea to do this out in town. How I have a few times thought of doing this in a restaurant.
How I’ve not sdone that yet.
How it might be a clue. How I might feel trying this in the morning…. Why it might make all the sense in the world to shift to….. type…… Incredible! 17.23 was TO THE MINUTE the exact time of the crossing. The shift was palpable.
MAYBE THIS IS THE CLUE IN ITSELF I”VE BEEN LOOKING FOR? Perhaps this was the original clue back in April? Perhaps the truth was there with Colin as well while we were making poems. Perhaps that’s why I’ve not been writing stuff down. Praps that;s why. Praps its absolutely essential me to get out there and start typing. IN FACT I AM ABSolutely amazed I’ve not been out only in Fordingbridge with this. It’s make all the difference I’m sure
Something to think about. Still stunned. 17.23. how incredible. And wonderful. And yet. What am I supposed to be doing in it? What is the purpoise of it? Does it magnify anything six times? Is the fact of my own shackles simple proof positive that it is six times. Having darn well said it, there is in all of this something new. Very subtle.
I’m a different person, I’m thinking different things and I am feeling different things too. I know the old neg Shit is stuill there in society. That I do know. I know that this is one of the newest feeling waves that feels New and fresh and actually is not taxing me either. Might that be a left brain writing right hand phenomena.
I’d say so.
Next question: What are the Sirians up to? What do they “want”. And while that sounds silly enough (I already have asken and been given that ansewer to my satisfaction) in fact to my satidfaction I’m quite happy with the way that all my questions have been answered, and that does include E8 and the () effect. Which feels right when I write it and I can see the red shift from the effect on the day I had Saturday. Shekewosha those legs were beautiful. And sheeskewoisha, that James is a lucky fellow. What of dan? A call to him and hope he is fine with it all? More writing? MMore calls. Havn’t called sarah, still feel like I gotta keep it all together to keep tomorrow going smoothly and after all o this, still the most pertinent question I seem to be working on feels like its shifted its parameters a bit….
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