5. Psychology of BLISS / Ecstasy and PEAK EXPERIENCE: How the FRACTAL FIELD Allows Us Now to Define, Measure and most of all TEACH - Peak Experience , Bliss, Ecstasy - True Enlightenment - more: goldenmean.info/clinicalintro
6. Urban Design: How the FRACTAL FIELD Allows us to Re-Invent URBAN DESIGN Based on Fractal Charge Compression- to Attract People, Money, Charge and LIFE FORCE Back into Urban Design- more: goldenmean.info/lightcity , goldenmean.info/rosycross
7. Weather / Climate / Rainmaking: How the FRACTAL FIELD Allows us to Attract Rain - and Regulate Precipitation - more: goldenmean.info/rain , and The Yantra Pics at goldenmean.info/callingallangels
8. Energy: How the FRACTAL FIELD Can Allow Us to PROPERLY Use Charge Self-Similarity to COHERE and Couple the Gravity Field for Electric Charge - WITHOUT Destabilizing the Earth Grid - more : goldenmean.info/gravitycause , goldenmean.info/notfree
How the (Phi) FRACTAL FIELD provides radical new solutions to GLOBAL WARMING: goldenmean.info/warming , and WHEN COLD FUSION gets COLD: goldenmean.info/fusion
9. Another example of FRACTAL FIELD - self similar charge field -revolutionizing medicine..- note how Negative Ion Wind (a fractal field) radically sweeps infection and parasites from the body ( see: ref 1) -perfectly consistent with using fractality to measure ANY liquid's ability to support life ( ReDox Potential measure at goldenmean.info/healingphase ) and - measuring fractality in Air to find and measure life's electric signature ( see IGA at phaseconjugation link). + Fractal Field is Electrical Engineering Instructions for SUCCESSFUL DEATH! - goldenmean.info/death
10.-FRACTALITY in the HEART-solution to EKG+ virtually ALL disease resistance: goldenmean.info/holarchy , goldenmean.info/heartmathmistake
11.-FRACTALITY in TIME (time=measurement of charge rotation) -charge systems emerge from chaos only this way-fractality (how to generate synchronicity):
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